Makassar City Hall Is Rocked By Night Entertainment Workers To Dance To Chika, But ...

MAKASSAR - Makassar City Hall, South Sulawesi (Sulsel) was attacked by night entertainment workers. Carrying disk jockey (DJ) equipment, they protested the extension of the curfew set by Acting Mayor of Makassar Prof. Rudy Djamaluddin.

Prof. Rudy Djamaluddin admitted that he had heard about the demands of the Night Entertainment Business Association (AUHM). Prof. Rudy explained that the handling of COVID-19 on economic recovery must take a balanced position.

"It can be controlled, the economy is not totally dead, COVID-19 can be controlled, the economy is not totally dead. If we talk about balance, it means that not everything is 100 percent, including the economy, it cannot be 100 percent. Incidentally, night activities are considered to have high potential for transmission there. if we look at it, "said Prof. Rudy to reporters, Wednesday, February 10.

Prof. Rudy explained that the central government policy is related to the Restriction of Community Activities (PPKM), which is currently mandatory for the DKI to Bali region. In the Java-Bali PPKM the restrictions are enforced until 21.00 WIB. Meanwhile, in the city of Makassar itself until 22.00 WIB.

"Why (is that)? Because we understand, our economy must also be moved. Night activities are also moving, but this cannot be a total consideration so that awareness is demanded with our common awareness," said Prof. Rudy.

"We cannot handle COVID-19 partially. If someone is harmed, it must be coincidence that the business tonight has high potential," he continued.

It is necessary to enforce curfew restrictions through PPKM in Makassar City. Because, said Prof. Rudy, he also referred to the advice from epidemiology.

"The solution is we still extend it until 10 o'clock, now the epidemiologist's advice is still obliged to keep pressing, even the epidemiologist wants to suggest that it was until 9 o'clock according to the central government's policy regarding PPKM," said Prof. Rudy.

Previously, there were hundreds of protesters from Makassar City night entertainment (THM) workers, surrounding the Makassar City Hall office. During the action oration, the crowd played DJ music. While dancing, they demanded that the PPKM policy be repealed.

Previously, the Chairman of the Makassar AUHM, Zulkarnaen Ali Naru said that the curfew imposed by the Acting Mayor of Makassar, Prof. Rudy Djamaluddin, had an impact on the nightclubs (THM). This business had to close due to the implementation of business operating hours which caused a crowd. Meanwhile, the workers have no income. There are even workers who are evicted from their boarding houses because they are in arrears.

This negative impact began to be felt since the Makassar government issued on December 24, 2020, the Makassar government through its regulations limiting operating hours such as restaurants, malls, cafes until 19.00 WITA.

"Starting last December, the impact," said Zulkarnaen.