Polytron Releases Fox-R Subsidy Electric Motor At Affordable Prices

JAKARTA - In an effort to make its mainstay electric motor more affordable, Polytron offers a discount of IDR 7 million. The price of Polytron Fox-R, which was originally IDR 20.5 million, is now sold for IDR 13.5 million in the Jabodetabek area, while in other areas it is sold for IDR 14 million.
"We fully support the government's initiative to encourage the use of electric motors as a solution to improve air quality. Through this subsidy program, we believe that more people will have access to quality electric motors, especially Fox-R electric motors that have met the requirements for subsidy programs," Polytron representatives said at their booths at the IMOS+ exhibition on Wednesday, October 25.
In terms of design, this electric motor features a modern impression with sharp headlights and elegant curves.
Polytron Fox-R specifications include a 3.7 kWh capacity battery with a motor power of 3000 watts. With this battery, this motor is capable of traveling a distance of up to 130 km when fully charged, with a maximum speed of 95 km/hour.
Polytron also offers a battery rental program to make its operational costs more affordable. An interesting step to expand the accessibility of electric motors for various groups.
We recognize that the price of electric motor batteries can be an obstacle for some people. Through battery rental programs, customers can enjoy electric motors with more affordable monthly payments, including battery replacement services if needed," he added.