Attorney General's Office Explains The Locations Of Tens Of Seized Milk Ships For Corruption Suspect Asabri Heru Hidayat

JAKARTA - The Attorney General's Office (AGO) has detailed the whereabouts of dozens of ships belonging to the suspect in the alleged corruption case of PT Asuransi Armed Forces of the Republic of Indonesia (Asabri), Heru Hidayat. Dozens of ships are in four different locations.

"Twenty ships are in Samarinda, some are in Batam. So the investigators are still in the field to see the condition of the ship," said Director of Investigation at the Junior Attorney General for Special Crimes (Jampidsus) Febrie Ardiansyah to reporters, Wednesday, February 10.

However, Febrie did not specify the number of ships in each city. Only one Aquarius Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) ship is said to be in Jakarta.

From the results of the current investigation, the tens of ships are still Heru Hidayat's ownership. The ships are still operating.

"These ships are still operational and bound by contracts," he said.

Previously it was reported that the AGO had seized 20 ships in the alleged corruption case of PT Asabri. Dozens of boats belonged to one of the suspects, namely, Heru Hidayat.

"Now investigators have obtained Heru Hidayat's 20 ships, all of which have been confiscated. Various types," Febrie Ardiansyah told reporters, Tuesday, February 9.

Even of the dozens of ships, said Febrie, one of them is the largest ship in Indonesia. The ship was used to transport Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Aquarius.

"(The locations of the confiscation) were all in Indonesia," he said.

Apart from ships, a number of plots of land with a total area of about 23 hectares were also seized in this case. However, there were no details regarding the location of the land parcels.