7 Tips For Regulatory Finances For Freelancers
YOGYAKARTA For those of you who work by-project, you must know tips on managing finances for freelancers. The reason is, not all freelancers can manage finances well considering that they do not have the monthly income as earned by office workers.
Freelancer often wastes from wages given at the beginning of the project, and experiences financial difficulties after the project is complete. On the other hand, a freelancer also does not always have a fixed income because it depends on the project being worked on.
To anticipate financial difficulties, there are several financial tips that freelancers can apply, namely as follows.
The wage system received by freelancers is different, but most of them receive 50 percent of their salary at the beginning of the project and the rest at the end. If so, it is highly recommended for freelancers to pay the basic bills required for one or two months such as electricity, water, kitchen needs, and so on.
Meanwhile, other needs that can be postponed include hanging out costs, buying clothes, and so on are advised to be postponed until the remaining project payments are paid in full.
Limiting expenses is the key to success in managing freelancer finances. This needs to be done because a freelancer's income is not fixed. You can shop for items that are not too important, but you still have to pay attention to your financial condition.
Consumptive credit is usually intended for purposes that are not too important. For example, you take the latest car credit while the old car you have is still very good.
Consumptive credit will actually ensnare you in the future. You can collect debt or credit if it is intended for production purposes such as business capital or renewing tools that support your work.
Emergency funds are intended for emergency conditions that must be paid without delays. Try to allocate some of your wages to be put into emergency fund savings. These funds can be used to survive while waiting for the next project to enter.
The amount of the allocation of funds that can be set aside for emergency funds can be adjusted to your ability. Do not use 50 percent of the wages received because it will interfere with other basic bills that must be paid.
It is recommended to have BPJS Kesehatan to provide financial convenience if at any time you have to go to the hospital.
It should be noted that the company does not cover health insurance for its workers who are freelancers.
It doesn't have to be BPJS Kesehatan, you can pay other health insurance according to the average wage that is received per month from your freelance work. BPJS Kesehatan or health insurance that you have will help save your savings in full.
Freelancer is advised to keep investing to maintain a decrease in the value of the currency. Investment instruments that can be chosen by freelancers to keep the value of the currency maintained like gold. Or it can also invest in mutual funds that have a relatively low risk level.
A freelancer must continue to upgrade both on his equipment and skills. This is necessary so that you can continue to get job offers in a sustainable manner.
That's information related to tips on managing finances for freelancers. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.