After The MKMK Inauguration, Anwar Usman Calls What The Constitutional Court Is Doing Currently Blessings

JAKARTA - Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court (MK) Anwar Usman said what the Constitutional Court is currently experiencing should be seen as a blessing.
"Even though the Constitutional Court for the umpteenth time is considered by many people to be facing a test, for me what is experienced by the Constitutional Court must be seen as a blessing," said Anwar at the Hall of Building II of the Constitutional Court, Jakarta, Tuesday, October 24, which was confiscated by Antara.
Anwar said this after inaugurating three members of the Honorary Council of the Constitutional Court (MKMK) to follow up on public reports related to alleged violations of the code of ethics of constitutional judges in Case Decision Number 90/PUU-XXI/2023.
In his remarks, Anwar also said that to this day, Tuesday, public reports against all constitutional judges regarding decisions regarding the age limit for presidential candidates (candidates) and vice presidential candidates (cawapres) have reached 10 reports.
According to Anwar, public attention to the Constitutional Court is a form of concern and love. Therefore, he fully entrusts the MKMK to work as much as possible in investigating the public's reports.
"So that every report submitted to the Constitutional Court, which has so far reached 10 reports against all constitutional judges, can clearly disclose the facts," added the Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court.
Furthermore, Anwar emphasized that every public report must be resolved according to its portion. That way, he said, the public can understand that every event or problem that occurs does not exceed the limit of the problem.
"Currently, the public is certainly waiting for the results of the performance of the honorary assembly. Although the formation and working period have just begun, I am sure that the honorary assembly is able to realize the expectations of many people," he said.
Anwar inaugurated three members of the MKMK, namely Wahiduddin Adams from the constitutional judge, Jimly Asshiddiqie from elements of community leaders, and Bintan R. Saragih from academic elements with legal backgrounds.
As chairman of the Constitutional Court, Anwar admitted that he would provide full support and trust so that the MKMK could work independently, implicitly, and not be intervened by anyone including the Constitutional Court and constitutional judges.
"Full trust in the honorary assembly to work as much as possible is part of my ethical responsibility as chairman of the institution as well as as a constitutional person," he said.