Police Investigate Crazy Rich PIK's Alleged Criminal Letter Forgery, Helena Lim

JAKARTA - The West Jakarta Metro Police (Jakbar) is investigating a case of alleged letter forgery as a recipient of the first phase of the COVID-19 vaccine on behalf of Helena Lim.

The name Crazy Rich PIK, who is also a celebrity, was excited when he posted that he was receiving the first stage of the COVID vaccine. Whereas according to regulations, the first stage of vaccines is intended for health workers.

"It's still being investigated. At the moment it's just the initial interview," said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit for West Jakarta Metro Police, AKBP Teuku Arsya Khadafi.

Helena Lim was injected with the first phase of the vaccine at the Kebon Jeruk Community Health Center, West Jakarta, a few days ago.

Arsya said that his party had given a letter of clarification invitation to the Kebon Jeruk Puskesmas and the owner of the Bumi Kebon Jeruk Pharmacy, which issued a letter to Helena Lim.

It is hoped that both parties will come to clarify the matter so that the West Jakarta Police will get an idea of whether there is an element of a criminal act or not. The two parties, said Arsya, are scheduled to clarify on Monday, February 15 morning.

"Yes, we are studying whether or not there is a criminal act related to the process, so that someone who is suspected of not being a health worker gets the vaccine," said Arsya.