The Robber Who Pointed A Gun At A Kembangan Minimarket Employee, Was Arrested After His Leg Was Shot

Six robbers armed with firearms took action at a minimarket on Jalan Kembangan Utara, Kembangan District, West Jakarta, and were arrested by the West Jakarta Metro Police. One of the suspects named Toto (27) is the leader of the gang.

In their action, the perpetrators were classified as sadistic. They often point firearms at minimarket employees.

West Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Syahdudi said the arrested perpetrators were 6 people. Apart from being involved in robbery, the perpetrators were also involved in a number of motorcycle theft cases in a number of locations in West Jakarta.

"The total number of suspects that we have secured is approximately 6 people. Suspect Toto alias Rendi, acts as captain," said Kombes Syahduddi to reporters, Monday, October 23.

Suspect Toto alias Rendi is also a provider of firearms and sharp weapons to the executor to take the motorbike. Toto, who is the captain of the robbery, is also tasked with sharing the proceeds from this group.

" Toto's arrest was difficult because he often moved from place to place and also brought homemade firearms. He also did not hesitate to carry out the shooting of our officers who were trying to arrest him," he said.

During the ambush, members of the West Jakarta Metro Police Satreskrim had two gunfights with suspect Toto in the Lebak area, Banten.

"When the main actor or captain in Toto's name was arrested, he also fought back. Because he was still carrying a firearm and making attempts to shoot officers or a joint team who came to the location," he said.

For endangering officers in the field, the police were finally forced to shoot the perpetrator.

"Officers take measured decisive action against the perpetrators on behalf of Toto. Because it is very, very dangerous and threatens the lives and safety of the officers who are trying to arrest the person concerned," he said.

From the hands of the suspect Toto, the police confiscated one homemade firearm with six bullets. The police also conducted an in-depth investigation regarding the supplier of the firearm.

"From Toto's statement, we managed to secure one man on behalf of KW alias Krisna at Bakauheni Port, South Lampung Regency, Lampung Province. So the person concerned has tried to escape towards Lampung, but was prevented and secured by the joint team of the West Jakarta Metro Police Satreskrim," he said.

As is known, Toto and his gang managed to get away with motorbikes and steal a number of items at minimarkets. In the robbery at the minimarket, Toto cs pointed a firearm and also sharp weapons at store employees.

Then the perpetrator took the valuables in the shop, either in the form of cash, cigarettes, and also an employee's motorbike.

"There were 6 crime scenes (occurrences) carried out by these perpetrators, where the modus operandi was that the perpetrators first carried out the theft of motorized vehicles. Then they continued by robbing minimarkets," he added.

As a result of their actions, the suspects were charged with Article 365 paragraph (2) to 2e of the Criminal Code and Article 363 of the Criminal Code. The perpetrators are still undergoing examination at the West Jakarta Metro Police Satreskrim.