Documents Related To The Gratuity Case Of The Batu City Government Are Being Confiscated By The Corruption Eradication Commission

JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) confiscated documents related to the gratification case at the Batu City Government in 2011-2017.

This confiscation was carried out after investigators examined eight witnesses in this case at Batu Police Department, East Java on Tuesday, February 9.

"The witnesses confiscated evidence, including various documents related to this case", said the Corruption Eradication Commission spokesman Ali Fikri in a written statement to journalists, Wednesday, February 10.

The eight witnesses being questioned were the Head of the General Section of PT Kusumantara Graha Jayatrisna Estate Abdul Jamal; Head of the Public Works and Spatial Planning Office of Batu City, Alfi Hidayat; Head of the Batu City Housing and Settlement Service Eko Suhartono; and Head of Goods and Services Procurement Section for Batu City Government, Endro Wahjudi.

In addition, the Corruption Eradication Commission also examined the Head of the City of Batu M Chori; Head of the Legal Section of the Batu City Regional Secretariat, Muji Dwi Leksono; Head of Education Office Eny Rachyuningsih and Kadiskominfo Agoes Macmoedi.

In this case, the Corruption Eradication Commission has conducted searches in a number of places to investigate gratuity cases.

For information, in September 2017, the investigators charged the Mayor of Batu, Eddy Rumpoko, in an arrest operation.

In this case, Eddy Rumpoko allegedly received a bribe worth IDR 500 million related to the capital expenditure project and machinery for procurement of furniture at the City Government of Batu for the 2017 Fiscal Year worth Rp.

The Corruption Eradication Commission named two other suspects in the case, namely the Head of the Batu City Government Procurement Service Unit, Edi Setyawan, and Filipus Djap, who is the Director of PT Dailbana Prima.