'Under 40' Code For Gibran Prabowo's Vice Presidential Candidate

JAKARTA - It's just a matter of time to announce, Gibran Rakabuming Raka almost certainly accompanies Prabowo Subianto. All the codes have been milling from faint to bright.

Golkar Chairman Airlangga Hartarto mentioned the figure of the vice presidential candidate who will accompany Prabowo. The code, under 40, aka is under 40 years old.

"Even with under 40, God willing, Central Java, God willing, we can fight again. So we are optimistic that we will win," said Airlangga in his speech at the celebration ceremony of the 59th Anniversary of the Golkar Party, Friday, October 20.

This statement was conveyed by Airlangga in front of Prabowo who was also present at the Golkar Anniversary. Apart from Central Java's affairs, Airlangga talked about Prabowo's strength in West Java.

"Pak Prabowo, God willing, we will lock West Java," he added.

A brighter code was shown in the digital space by the Deputy General Chairperson (Waketum) of the Gelora Fahri Hamzah Party.

Fahri, whose party is also in the ranks of the Advanced Indonesia Coalition (KIM) uploaded a photo of Prabowo Subianto's presidential candidate being juxtaposed with Surakarta Mayor Gibran Rakabuming Raka.

Fahri also prayed that the presidential candidate he supported, Prabowo, together with Gibran, would be elected as the nation's leader to replace Joko Widodo-Ma'ruf Amin.

"We pray for an easy path for Pak Prabowo and Mas Gibran to be sworn in in exactly a year. For a strong, strong, strong Indonesia. Towards the new #Superpower!," he said.

Meanwhile, the development of the elite KIM meeting. Prabowo Subianto is said to have pocketed the name of the vice presidential candidate who will accompany him in the 2024 presidential election.

PAN chairman Zulkifli Hasan whose house was used as a meeting room said KIM's political party had agreed with the name of Prabowo's vice presidential candidate.

"So actually what the parties (KIM) agreed on is already in Pak Prabowo's pocket. Now we'll see, of course, the political developments will be fast, we'll discuss it later. Earlier, because we didn't meet again, it will be continued tomorrow afternoon," said PAN Chairman Zulkifli Hasan at his residence, Friday, October 20.