Creative! Fiscal Expansion Adds Solid Waste Management To Bring Investors
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Finance through the Directorate General of Financing and Risk Management (DJPPR) signed an agreement for the implementation of waste processing and final processing projects with the Semarang City Government.
This synergy aims to improve solid waste management in a holistic and integrated manner from upstream to downstream through the provision of a Project Development Facility (PDF).
Director General of Financing and Risk Management Luky Alfirman said that this facility is claimed to be able to assist the Semarang City Government in preparing a pre-study on the feasibility of solid waste infrastructure to make it attractive to private investment (financially feasible).
"The Ministry of Finance has long been very concerned with the issue of solid waste. Central Government support is provided in the form of regional transfers such as DAK (both physical and non-physical), DID, loans, and K / L budget through the Ministry of PUPR and KLHK, "he said in an official statement, February 10.
Luky added, after the preparation phase is complete, the PDF facility will provide assistance to the Semarang City Government in carrying out transaction activities to make the auction process more competitive and transparent, in order to obtain private financing.
"This is a solution to the limitations of the APBN and APBD in providing better, more sustainable and affordable public services for all Indonesian people," he said.
For this reason, he said that by providing this facility, the government's efforts to realize infrastructure provision through creative financing methods were expected to be carried out well.
"In the end, the waste management project can improve the quality of life and the level of public health," he added.
For information, the signing ceremony was also attended by the Ministry of Finance, Semarang City Government, Semarang City Regional People's Representative Council (DPRD), PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (PT. SMI), PT Indonesia Infrastructure Finance (PT. IIF), and Bappenas.