Synopsis Of Saranjana's Adventure Horror Film: Ghaib City, Adventure In Modern City In Kalimantan
JAKARTA - Saranjana Film: Kota Ghaib akan segera hadir di bioskop-skop seluruh Indonesia. Selain di Indonesia, Film Saranjana: Kota Ghaib juga akan tayang di luar negeri, khususnya Asia Tenggara mulai 16 November 2023 di Negara Malaysia, Singapore, dan Brunei Darussalam.
Saranjana is a film that is eagerly awaited because it has an interesting concept, until several times it has become trending on X (twitter) and Tiktok social media. Saranjana itself is a supernatural city that often goes viral on social media. According to residents of Kalimantan, this city, especially South Kalimantan, is located in the Kotabaru area.
The city is described as having a modern and advanced coast. It is always endless when it comes to discussing this supernatural city because it makes many people curious.
The production house DHF Entertainment raised this urban legend to the big screen with the Title Saranjana: Kota Ghaib. The genre of this film is an Adventure Horror, where throughout the film, the audience will be carried on an adventure on the earth of Kalimantan. This is also the first horror film set in Kalimantan culture and almost 95% of shooting locations are carried out in Kalimantan.
Saranjana's film debuted Johansyah Jumberan as a director. Previously it was behind the scenes as a screen producer and screenwriter.
Saranjana's film was starred by Adinda Azani, Lutfi Aulia, Irzan Faiq, Betari Ayu, Ajeng Fauziah, Gusti Gina, Mouris Sam, Alvaro Axela, M. Adhiyat, Achmad Pule, Casell Vellis and Ananda George.
Di film ini juga banyak terlibat actor lokal Kalimantan Selatan yang juga mengambil peran penting seperti Putri Intan Kasela, Fauzi Rahman, Acil Imas, M. Sajad dan Dhiki Sinanang.