The Daughter Of The Caretaker Of The Sidogiri Islamic Boarding School Supports Erick Thohir As A 'Stupid Brother' Of The Islamic Boarding School Economy
JAKARTA - The daughter of the caretaker of the Sidogiri Islamic Boarding School, Ru'yana Fuad or who is familiarly called Ning Yana, supports SOE Minister Erick Thohir to become a mentor and even a foster brother to increase pesantren independence. Met in the pesantren environment, in Sidogiri Village, Kraton District, East Java, Ning Yana talked a lot about the independence journey of the pesantren.
The Sidogiri Islamic Boarding School, said Ning Nana, has been carrying out pesantren independence activities since 1961.
"This boarding house has never received assistance from the government. Because we are committed to running the cottage independently and empowered. Therefore, for a long time, the Sidogiri Islamic Boarding School has included entrepreneurship as a subject. Next, we facilitate the students to practice what has been learned from within the classroom, including forming the Basmallah Islamic Boarding School Cooperative (Kopontren) and the Amil Zakat Institution for Orphans and Dhuafa (LAZZ)," he said.
Ning Yana added, armed with academic knowledge, the students, including women, have relatively known the methods to improve welfare through entrepreneurship. However, Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) women who are entrepreneurs are constrained to run a more sustainable business and are able to 'upgrade'.
For Yana, the Sidogiri Islamic Boarding School is ready to become a benchmark that can be used to increase the economic independence of the students. Broadly speaking, Yana sees that the government also has several initiatives whose impact can be further expanded.
"For example, the Ministry of SOEs already has an existing program, namely PMN Mekaar and PNM Mekaar Syariah. In addition to providing funding, Mekaar also provides assistance for empowerment of entrepreneurs. Programs like this that we really support to be able to reach NU women and other huts outside Sidogiri," explained Nana.
Yana also hopes that Erick, who is one of the candidates for vice president, will not stop in providing innovations in economic independence for students, and even become a mentor for female students.
"I also hope that Mr. Erick can become a foster brother for us to develop pesantren's economic independence. In addition, Pak Erick's professionalism and innovation heritage can continue to be carried out," he added.
Pesantren Sidogiri merupakan salah satu pesantren dengan jumlah santri terbesar di Jawa Timur. Pesantren ini memiliki 11 ribu santri. Dengan aset mencapai Rp3 triliun, Pesantren Sidogiri telah memiliki unit usaha di lebih dari 2.000 lokasi, baik di berbagai daerah di Indonesia, maupun di negara-negara Timur Tengah.