20 Viral Cars Broken Tires On Cikampek Toll Road In TikTok Will Be Replaced By Jasa Marga

JAKARTA - Jasa Marga acknowledged that there were dozens of cars that were damaged in the tires due to the perforated road at KM 39 + 500 Cikampek Toll Road towards Jakarta. This event went viral on TikTok.

The @itsnicc account shares the video. From what VOI saw, there were dozens of cars that stopped at the shoulder of the road. @itsnicc explained that these cars had stopped because their wheels were badly damaged by a pothole. In fact, some tires broke.

"See, this is the left rear wheel until it breaks," said @itsnicc.

"Jasa Marga also already exists, but he is confused because there are so many (cars)," said @itsnicc again.

We tried to contact Jasa Marga to confirm. Jasa Marga acknowledged that the incident did exist.

"We apologize for the incident," said General Manager Representative Office 1 Jasamarga Transjawa Tollroad Regional Division Widiyatmiko Nursejati in a statement received by VOI, Tuesday, February 9.

This incident happened on the evening of Sunday, February 8th. The repair of the hole was carried out immediately that night.

"For several vehicles that had leaked tires due to holes yesterday, we are currently in the process of claiming compensation, according to the applicable regulations in the company," added Miko.

Currently, Jasa Marga is continuously making improvements to the hardening of toll roads on a regular basis.

"Jasa Marga apologizes for the inconvenience experienced by road users. We urge road users to anticipate the trip before entering the toll road, to remain careful and obey the signs, especially around the work site. Prepare well and make sure your vehicle is in good condition. prime, and always adhere to health protocols, "continued Miko.