This Is The Explanation From The Bumi Kebon Jeruk Pharmacy, Which Recommended That Helena Lim Be Vaccinated Against COVID-19
JAKARTA - The Bumi Kebon Jeruk Pharmacy, West Jakarta, has confirmed that it has issued a certificate brought by singer and celebgram Helena Lim on the grounds that she is a business partner.
"That's right, so we are business partners (Helena Lim)," said Elly Tjondro, owner of the Bumi Pharmacy in Jakarta, as reported by Antara, Tuesday, February 9.
Elly explained that the pharmacist arranged for a COVID-19 vaccination permit to be given to 11 people, including Helena Lim.
However, only 10 people received the vaccine, because one person's health condition was not possible because they had high blood pressure.
Elly is adamant that Helena Lim's COVID-19 vaccination is in accordance with the procedure and all requirements have been met so it is only natural that those who work at pharmacies get the vaccine.
"Yes, we are confused. Just look at us, we are the people who are in the forefront of dealing with patients. It should be natural for us to get the vaccine and pharmacies are appointed to get it," he said.
Elly hopes that the vaccination that her business partner is undergoing will no longer be a polemic in the community.
He emphasized that the COVID-19 vaccination at Pukesmas Kebon Jeruk some time ago with Helena Lim was carried out according to the procedure.
"How do we see that response? We were a bit surprised. Actually, we, from the health workers, got the permit. But spontaneously the community just did that. Hopefully everyone can understand, because we are including the frontline to deal with patients for quite a long time for up to 10 nights," he said.
Previously, from a search for Instagram accounts, especially on Instagram Story videos, it appears that the owner of the account @ helenalim899, Helena Lim, is a singer of the song Pasrah.
Helena Lim is also a high-fashion lover and belongs to the McLaren luxury car club. Besides, it is known that he has a channel on YouTube.
Helena did not come to the Kebon Jeruk Puskesmas alone, but brought her family and showed the queue for vaccine location number 11. "In two weeks, we will get the vaccine again," said Helena in her comments on Instagram.
After the vaccination, he revealed that he was not afraid of COVID-19, even Helena had planned to take a walk.
Helena's upload sparked a reaction among netizens because until now the parties entitled to receive the vaccine are medical personnel and public servants.
West Jakarta Health Sub-department head Kristi Wathini said the owner of the Instagram account worked at a pharmacy.
"The person concerned brings a description of working in a pharmacy as a support and the pharmacy is one of the pharmaceutical facilities which is included in the top priority," said Kristi Wathini.
Kristi said that until now his party had not allocated the COVID-19 vaccine for the general public, but instead health workers and public servants according to government instructions.