Bill Gates Predicts 2 Major Disasters After COVID-19

JAKARTA - Billionaire and founder of Microsoft, Bill Gates predicts two pandemics that are bigger and more deadly than COVID-19. This deadly threat to humanity is likely to occur in 2025.

The world's second richest man described the deadly threat in an interview with Derek Muller, on the YouTube channel "Veritasium". He said climate change and bioterrorism could occur in the next few years, threatening humanity.

"One is climate change. Every year there will be a greater death toll than this pandemic (due to climate change)", he said, quoted from Republic World, Tuesday, February 9.

Gates really believes that climate change is one of the potential disasters that cannot be avoided anymore. This becomes more visible when the day gets hotter and natural conditions such as floods, forest fires and so on.

The second potential disaster is related to attacks using biological weapons by certain parties. This is also a warning to the world about the possibility of a new pandemic caused by a respiratory virus, such as the coronavirus.

"Bioterrorism. Someone who wants to cause harm can create a virus and that means the chances of going in this direction are greater than the current nature-induced epidemic", said Bill Gates.

Surely the intention of the Microsoft founder was that we should be more alert to the possibility of such a disaster. Especially regarding the next pandemic in the future, anticipation must be taken seriously so that it does not have a severe impact.

"Preparing for a pandemic must be taken as seriously as the threat of war", Bill Gates wrote in a new post on his blog.

It is also what underlies the husband of Melinda Gates to prepare persuasive steps to respond to the threat of a new pandemic which may be more serious. This includes investing millions of dollars annually in vaccine research and development.

He also suggested several ways to anticipate future pandemics. For example, there is a kind of sophisticated disease simulation game so that experts can practice, analyze and improve how to respond to an outbreak.

"Like a war game allows the military to prepare for real war", said Bill Gates.