Narcolepsy Sleep Disorders: Understanding, Causes, And Symptoms

YOGYAKARTA In general,narocolepsy is sleep disorder. This disorder is quite disturbing the daily activities of the sufferer and can even have an impact on health problems. To find out information about sleep disorders, see the following article.

Quoted from AI Care, Narcolepsy is a sleep disorder of the Rapid Eye Movement (REM) phase which makes it difficult for the sufferer to control his drowsiness. When someone has narkolepsy, they will find it difficult to hold back sleep even if he recently woke up from sleep. This condition certainly makes daily activities and the quality of life disrupted.

On the official website of the Ministry of Health, it is stated that narcotics is a chronic disorder, including rare. Of the 2,000 people, there may be only one sufferer, and it can attack from the age of 10 to 25 years. In addition, the condition of thenaroclepsy is sometimes unrecognizable so that some do not realize that they have been exposed to narcotics.

It is not known exactly what the initial trigger of this disturbance was. However, in some cases, there is a decrease in brain chemical compounds called hypocretin or orexcine. These compounds play a role in regulating vigilance. The decrease in hypocretin itself occurs because the immune system attacks cells producing hypocretin compounds. Not only that, but narcotics are also closely related to disorders in the brain that play a role in regulating the sleep phase.

As is known, the human sleep phase is divided into two, namely rapid eye movement (REM) and non-rapid eye movement (NREM). In normal humans, sleep will start from the NREM phase. In this phase the brain wave slows down. Then after 1 hour, the phase of sleep doubles to REM and this is where dreams occur. While on narcotics, when the victim sleep goes straight into REM without going through NREM.

The cause of Narcolepsy can also be triggered by certain diseases, namely as follows.

The potential fornarocletion will be even greater under certain conditions, namely as follows.

Narcolection sufferers will experience several symptoms that appear in a few weeks, or it could also be that symptoms have continued to develop for years. Common effects of narcotics are as follows.

Sleepiness that appears during the day or outside of a person's sleep hours can be an indication of being exposed to narcotics. Pedestrians can usually sleep anytime and anywhere, even in any condition, including when you are working in the office. Users can sleep in a matter of minutes to hours, and will be fresh when they wake up. But sleepy again after a while.

This symptom is called cataplection, which is the sudden loss of muscle strength. Users will lose control over their muscles so that it can have an impact on difficulty speaking due to Pelo. These symptoms will occur in a matter of minutes and can occur up to once.

People withnarocolepsy also have the potential to experience paralysis during sleep. This paralysis occurs while sleeping in the REM phase. Paralysis also occurs in seconds to minutes. As a result, the sufferer can find it difficult to wake up and talk, and fall from the bed.

Pedestrians will see or hear something they think is real but they don't. Even hallucinations can occur before sleep or after sleep.

That's information about sleep disturbances of Naroclepsy. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.