For Sis Seto, Revocation Of KJP Plus Student Perpetrators Of Bullying Violates Education Rights

JAKARTA - The Indonesian Child Protection Agency (LPAI) assesses that the revocation of the Jakarta Smart Card (KJP) Plus belonging to bullying actors is an act that violates children's education rights.

"If the KJP is revoked, it means revoking children's education rights, even though there is a more appropriate way," said Chairman of the Indonesian Child Protection Agency (LPAI) Seto Mulyadi alias Kak Seto as reported by ANTARA, Monday, October 9.

Kak Seto assessed that each child has different behaviors. Therefore, it must be responded wisely to by being rewarded and punishment (punishment).

"In a sense, every wrong child's behavior must be punished and positive behavior needs to be given appreciation or a gift," he said.

Of course, this punishment must be in accordance with Law Number 11 of 2012 concerning the Juvenile Criminal Justice System.

"But this punishment must be educational that children can be punished, yes, it can be, but based on the Law on the Criminal Justice System," he said.

Later, if the child is proven to have committed a crime, then he is directed to be included in the Special Child Development Institution (LPKA) in order to continue to receive education.

In other ways such as guiding children in LPKA, children can still have a deterrent effect but their right to education is not ruled out.

In addition, he also highlighted the importance of the role of school principals and teachers to emphasize that schools are places that are child-friendly and anti-violent.

"Teachers must remind students that if they do a brawl or 'bullying' it can be punished and will be recorded so that it will complicate their future," he said.

According to Kak Seto, the role of teachers is very important in preventing and reminding students so that if they are allowed to do so, they could also face criminal penalties.

The contents of Article 76 C of Law Number 35 of 2014 concerning Child Protection, namely that everyone is prohibited from placing, allowing, committing, ordering, committing or participating in violence against children.

"That's why teachers, school principals and so on, please also be aware of the spread and part of violence against children," he said.

There were 226 cases of bullying in Indonesia in 2022 based on data from the Indonesian Child Protection Commission (KPAI) and the Federation of Indonesian Teachers' Unions (FSGI).