Get To Know Waterproofing For Bathroom, Don't Get The Wrong Choice

JAKARTA - Not all waterproofing is the same, bathrooms need flexible 2-component Aquagard waterproofing. In building a house, especially the 2-floor bathroom area, waterproofing is needed.

However, not all homeowners pay attention to the waterproofing process in the bathroom, as a result, when the house begins to live in it, it is felt that there are leaky problems and disturbing embes. Leaking from the second floor bathroom usually causes seepages and stains on the ceiling of the house.

If it continues, the seepage will have a bigger impact, it can cause the ceiling to collapse which endangers the occupants of the house. Therefore, the use of waterproofing in the second floor bathroom is very important to be applied from the beginning of bathroom construction, so that there is no need for further action to dismantle the bathroom.

After knowing the importance of the role of bathroom waterproofing, the next question is related to the type of waterproofing that is suitable for use. When the owner of the house goes to the building shop or to modern outlets of building materials, various types of waterproofing have been provided with different materials, shapes, packaging sizes, prices, and others.

The owner of the house must be careful and wise, don't get the wrong waterproofing for the bathroom because not all waterproofing is the same. The different types of waterproofing, different areas and applications.

Waterproofing that is suitable for the bathroom is 2 components of waterproofing which has good waterproofing properties, high attachment, strong and resistant to puddles and is flexible so as not to crack easily. All these properties can be found in Aquagard's waterproofing products, one of the products from Aquaproof.

Aquagard is a waterproofing of 2 cement-based components (cementitious waterproofing) with Flexible Cementitious Technology whose application results are flexible so that they are anti-recapped and are perfect for houses that are prone to micro movements such as rail areas or large-loaded transport lines.

Aquagard, the bathroom waterproofing consists of two components, namely powder components made from special cement and liquid components made from polymer emulsion. Both components can be mixed and evenly dredged with a comparison of powder and liquid components, namely 3:1, follow the instructions on the packaging. The bathroom waterproofing process or Aquagard anti-peak cement coating is carried out before the ceramic installation process.

Chandra Kurniawan, Marketing Manager of PT Adhi Cakra Utama Mulia said, Waterproofing of 2 components is not difficult to use. Combining these two components is fairly easy and does not feel heavy when manual complaints are made, the application is also the same as leaky anti-paints in general.

Just use a brush or roller, and apply evenly to the surface of the bathroom floor that has been cleaned before. So that the results are optimally coating is carried out in two layers without adding other components such as water, and the second layer of Aquagard is carried out after the first layer is dry and touch. The angular area can also be strengthened with Polyester Mesh Aquaproof when the first layer of Aquagard is still wet.

"Aquagard packaging is also available in a 4 kg set size, this size is perfect for the bathroom floor covering an area of 3-4 m2; it includes two coatings. Some of the points mentioned above make Aquagard waterproofing the driver's mainstay bathroom, overcoming leaks and embes in wet areas and inundated with water. In addition, every purchase of 4 kg Aquagard has received free brushes in its packaging," said Chandra.