Jokowi Alludes To The Figure Of The Leader: Can't Ciut Be HIT By Other Countries

JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo or Jokowi advised his volunteers to be careful in determining the figure of a leader who will be elected during the 2024 General Election (Pemilu). Because, the challenge will be even more severe so that it requires a leader who has the guts.

He made this statement during a speech at the Ala-Alap Volunteer National Consolidation Meeting at SICC, Bogor Regency, West Java, Saturday, October 7.

"Regarding the leader we choose, this is carefully choosing a leader, the challenges ahead are not getting lighter but getting tougher," said Jokowi.

According to him, the current global condition is not good, various problems arise. Thus, it takes a leader who has courage.

"A world that is not well with war, climate change, food crisis is needed, leaders who have courage are needed," he said.

"It takes leaders who have the guts not to be bullied by other countries. Don't be sued, for example, by the European Union to our WTO, so we are nervous. A country as big as Indonesia can't have a leader whose guts have been bullied by any big country agree?" Jokowi continued.

"Agreed," said the volunteers.

In addition, it is also said that leaders must dare to take risks. You should not just look for safety in certain situations.

"So leaders must dare to take risks, it's the right leader. Don't just look for safety, look for pleasure in enjoying the pleasure of sitting in the palace, sleeping in the palace," said Jokowi.