Detained By Myanmar's Military Junta, Family Asks Australian Economics Professor To Be Released

JAKARTA - The family of the Australian Professor of Economics, Sean Turnell, has urged the Myanmar's military junta to immediately release an Economist from Macquarie University, Australia.

Turnell is known to be one of the economic advisers to Myanmar's leader, Aung San Suu Kyi. He was detained days after the Myanmar coup on February 1.

"We are desperate because Dr. Sean Turnell, our beloved family member and an internationally respected academic, has been detained in Myanmar,” the Turnell family said in a statement as reported by The Irrawaddy.

The family said Turnell had fallen in love with Myanmar, working on its behalf for more than two decades.

His family added that Turnell had provided jobs, investment and hope for many of Myanmar's poorest people without thinking of reward or attention for his own benefit.

“He is warm and kind, generous, and always thinks of others before himself. Even now, wherever he is detained, we know that his thoughts and concerns are on those who are worried about him," explained the family.

Previously, the Australian Government through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs had asked the Myanmar's military junta to immediately release Turnell. Australian Foreign Minister Marise Payne said her party had also summoned the Myanmar Ambassador for this detention.

"We have requested the immediate release of Professor Turnell, an Australian citizen from detention in Myanmar. Our embassy has provided extensive support to Professor Turnell during this ordeal," Payne told Reuters.