Hetty Koes Endang Brings Bill To Be A Match In Keroncong Version
JAKARTA - Starting his career in the music industry since the 1970s, Hetty Koes Endang still shows her existence by releasing the song Buih Jadi Permadani in a typical keroncong arrangement.
As is known, Hetty Koes Endang re-released the song from Exists, the Malaysian band last July, but with another version with this release.
Hetty Koes Endang feels that keroncong music is closely attached to her image as a singer. Therefore, he released a keroncong version of Buih Jadi Permadani.
"Keroncong is already very attached to Mother's soul, and Mother noticed that so far the keroncong song has been empty for a long time, not being performed by our new singers. Therefore, Mother tries to revive keroncong music through Buih So Permadani is performed with a keroncong version, the version is Bunda Hetty Koes Endang," said Hetty Koes Endang in her statement, Friday, October 6.
Not only that, Hetty admitted that she was asked by the listeners to bring Buih Jadi Permadani in the keroncong version.
The Keroncong version was not carried out carelessly, Hetty Koes Endang collaborated with Koko Thole, who is no stranger to connoisseurs.
"In the past, Mother used to work with A. Riyanto and Manthous for keroncong music, this time Mother chose to collaborate with Koko Thole with her orchestra, Pesona Jiwa. Because Mother had wanted to work with him for a long time," said Hetty.
Through his release this time, Hetty Koes Endang also expressed his hope that keroncong music could be loved again by the people of the country.
"Hopefully the single pop keroncong of Bunda's latest work can be more accepted by the ears of listeners and fans of Bunda who love keroncong music. And I also hope that music lovers will prefer keroncong rhythm, so that keroncong music will begin to be loved again, because those who perform it are full of feelings," concluded Hetty Koes Endang.
The keroncong version of Buih Jadi Permadani sung by Hetty Koes Endang can be heard on various digital music platforms.