North Korea Conducts Cyber Hacking To Fund Nuclear Weapons Development Program

JAKARTA - North Korea is known to maintain and develop a ballistic missile and nuclear weapons program throughout 2020. This activity is considered a violation of international sanctions.

Quoting from Reuters, this is known from a UN diplomat who has access to classified reports to the UN Security Council. In the report North Korea produces fissile material, maintains nuclear facilities and improves its ballistic missile infrastructure.

The report also said North Korea was continuing to source materials and technology for the program from abroad. Meanwhile, for funding, it is said that North Korea received around 300 million US dollars obtained through hacking in cyberspace.

This report comes just weeks after Joe Biden took office as US President. Previously, the Joe Biden Administration planned to take a new approach to North Korea, including a joint review of the pressure options that had been implemented.

Although there will be no nuclear or ballistic missile tests in 2020, Pyongyang announced preparations for the testing and production of new ballistic missile warheads and the development of tactical nuclear weapons.

During a military parade following the Labor Party Congress in January, North Korea's military showcased new short-range ballistic missiles and submarine-launched ballistic missiles (SLBM).

North Korea has been subject to UN sanctions since 2006. The sanctions have been strengthened by 15 members of the Security Council over the years in a bid to cut funding for Pyongyang's nuclear and ballistic missile programs.

UN Monitor assess that by 2020, hackers linked to North Korea will continue to operate against financial institutions and virtual currency exchange institutions to generate revenue to support its nuclear and missile programs.

"According to one member state, the total theft of virtual assets of the DPRK (North Korea), from 2019 to November 2020, was valued at around USD 316.4 million," said the report directed to the UN Security Council.