400 Officers Clean The Deli River Bantaran In Aur Village, Medan

The Head of the Medan City Civil Service Police Unit, Rakhmat Harahap, said that around 400 joint officers cleaned the banks of the Deli River in Kampung Aur, Medan Maimundari garbage.

"At least 400 joint officers from the Medan City Government and the Indonesian Army have cleaned the banks of the Deli River on Jalan Suprapto Bridge, Kampung Aur area," he said, quoted by ANTARA, Monday, October 2.

Rakhmat, who is also in charge of Sector IV of Sungai Deli, said officers focused on cutting down trees on the banks of the river and handling garbage in 700 meters of canals.

A number of equipment is used in the clean mutual cooperation of the Deli River, including ladder cars, machetes, axes, hoes, bato machines, rubber boats, and transport trucks.

"This is our second day, the responsibility of Sector IV starts from the bridge on Jalan Palang Merah to the end of the Canal, Medan Johor for 8.5 kilometers," he said.

His party said that Gotong Royong Cares for Deli was initiated by Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution and opened by Army Chief of Staff General Dudung Abdurachman in Medan, Wednesday (27/9).

"Cleaning the Deli River is carried out for 63 days, but we are innovating and collaborating with each other, one of which is cleaning the Deli River outside of weekdays," he said.

Head of the Medan City Construction Bina Marga Water Resources Office, Topan Ginting, said that the normalization of the Deli River was carried out for 64 working days.

With the length of the Deli River being targeted by this activity 34.5 kilometers which are divided into four sectors involving 2,303 people, including 1,000 TNI AD personnel.

He said Sector I of the Belawan Bridge-Hospital Hospital (RS) was 9.2 km long, Sector II of Delima-Hospital Martha Friska 8.9 km, Sector III of Martha Friska Hospital- Jalan Palang Merah 7.5 km, and Sector IV Jalan Palang Merah-Kanal 8.5 km.

The method of carrying out the normalization work of the Deli River is by adding wet cross-sections, then cleaning the slopes and river embankments using heavy equipment.

"Meanwhile, the cleaning of the slopes is targeted at 800 meters to one kilometer per day," he said.