Simalungun Police Give Social Sanctions 84 Suspects Of Palm Oil Theft, Clean Houses Of Worship To Village Offices

The Simalungun Resort Police, West Sumatra, gave social sanctions to 84 suspects in the case of oil palm theft after undergoing a case resolution through a restorative justice mechanism.

"This decision is in accordance with the sense of justice and the request of PTPN IV that the suspect should carry out social activities by cleaning mosques, churches, village offices, and PTPN offices," said Simalungun Police Chief AKBPRond F. C. Sipayung as reported by ANTARA, Monday, October 2.

Ronald said of the 84 suspects, some were subject to social sanctions for one to three months, namely cleaning houses of worship, government agency offices, and PTPN offices twice a week every Monday and Thursday.

"This social sanction does not interfere with community activities, this activity is only carried out twice a week, Monday and Thursday, from 09.00 to 10.30 WIB," he said.

He said that the retorative mass justice was carried out at the Bangun Police Headquarters, Jalan Asahan-Pematangsiantar, Gunung Malela District, Simalungun Regency.

This activity attracted the attention of many parties. Apart from involving the suspects, this activity was also attended by General Manager of PTPN IV, Deputy Head of Simalungun Police, police chiefs, sub-district heads, Pangulu/village heads to religious leaders and community leaders.

"Not all cases can be resolved through restorative justice. Cases such as motor vehicle theft, murder, and cases that are troubling the public and getting rejected from the community will continue with the criminal process," he said.

The police chief explained that in the case settlement activity through this mass restorative justice, 61 cases were resolved. The cases date from 2022 to 2023.

"The suspect whose case has been resolved through restorative justice, but repeated the same crime, the criminal process will continue," explained the Police Chief.

"I feel very sorry and apologize to the entire community that I have disappointed. Today I promise not to make the same mistake again and to commit to being a good and responsible citizen," said Suhartono, one of the perpetrators of theft of palm oil.

The remarks were welcomed positively by community leaders and PTPN who were present. They hope that the suspects who have undergone the restorative justice process are truly determined to change their behavior and not repeat their actions.