When Jokowi Invites Art Workers, Influencers And Content Creators Around IKN

JAKARTA President Jokowi together with the ranks of the Ministers of the Advanced Indonesia Cabinet and the Head of the Archipelago Capital Authority (IKN) invited dozens of art activists, influencers, and content creators to tour IKN as well as review the progress of the development of the State Palace, on Friday 22 September.

The President's visit to IKN with art activists began with a joint lunch held at the Construction Worker Residential (IKN). Art activists seemed so enthusiastic about enjoying a lunch with the President. The President was seen walking around the table while talking and taking pictures together.

On this occasion, the Head of the IKN Authority, Bambang Susantono, expressed his appreciation to influencers, especially those from Kalimantan, because through their content, people are increasingly educated about IKN. "I think it is important to involve national good influencers, especially from the archipelago, from Kalimantan to be able to participate in reporting IKN. This can also be a place for creativity to also provide education to the public," said Head of the IKN Authority Bambang Susantono on the sidelines of a working visit with the President.

This is a matter of pride for influencers and content creators who come from the archipelago and Kalimantan in general. "We are currently very happy, at all, we never thought that the Authority (IKN) is like our own family, we can be this close to the artists, can be this close to Pak Jokowi directly," said William, one of the content creators from Samarinda who has long been domiciled in Sepaku District.

In line with this, Aper Sujayana, a creator of original content from Sepaku District, expressed his happiness in meeting the President in person. "I didn't expect it, and I was really happy of course. Can be that close with Mr. President Jokowi, can even shake hands with him. It's an opportunity that I never imagined," he said.

The agenda continues to witness the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the IKN Authority and PT Pertamina (Persero) in the West National Axis. Before long, the group moved to the next location to review the progress of the construction of the State Palace, which had just been installed with the first Garuda blades.

You can see that the group is excited to see the progress of the construction of the State Palace which has begun to look in shape. Influencers also document the moment to be immortalized and processed into various creative content.

Not only reviewing the progress of IKN development, but President Jokowi also invited art activists to enliven the Night of Appreciation for Workers & Communities around IKN who have been working hard and supporting the smooth development of IKN. The event, which is fully supported by the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin), BNI, BRI, and Bank Mandiri, presents well-known Indonesian musicians, namely Gigi and Wika Salim, as well as Ronal Surapradja and Hesti Purwadinata as hosts. The agenda was then closed with dinner with the President, the ranks of Ministers, the Head of the IKN Authority and art activists at the Glamping location.

On this occasion, William conveyed the President's message to influencers to be able to play a role in being able to report IKN. So that this IKN can be known to the entire community, and all the wrong hoax assumptions can be straightened out through explanations by influencers later, "concluded William.

Also attending to accompany President Joko Widodo, namely Minister of State Secretary Pratikno, Minister of PUPR Basuki Hadimuljono, Minister of SOEs Erick Thohir, Minister of Investment/Head of BKPM Bahlil Lahadalia, Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi, Head of IKN Authority Bambang Susantono, and Deputy Head of IKN Authority Dhony Rahajoe.