Mining Entrepreneurs Call Muara Berau Port Tariffs Can Hinder Coal Achievement

JAKARTA - The Indonesian Coal Mining Association (APBI) stated that setting new tariffs for port services at Muara Berau Port, Samarinda, East Kalimantan, has the potential to hinder the process of loading transfer or the coal boat to ship transfer (STS) which is more than 90 million tons annually sent for export and domestic purposes.

APBI chairman Pandu Sjahrir said coal producers (shipper), floating crane (FC) owners, and loading and unloading companies (PBM) for APBI members using loading transfer ports in Muara Berau Samarinda are concerned about the disruption of business activities that have been running smoothly.

This, continued Pandu, after the Ministry of Transportation policy on July 24, 2023, stipulated a recommendation for port service rates to PT Pelabuhan Tiga Brothers (PTB) which is a Port Business Entity (BUP) at Muara Bera Port Samarinda. This new tariff will be applied by PTB effective as of October 1, 2023. PTB manages the concessions provided by the government for 25 years.

"APBI firmly rejects the recommendation of the port service rate by the Ministry of Transportation because it was determined unilaterally by the Ministry of Transportation even though previously it was still in the process of being discussed (process and tariff business) involving the Ministry of Transportation, the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Investment, PTB and APBI," Pandu said as quoted by ANTARA, Friday, September 29.

According to Pandu, with the determination of this new tariff recommendation, all STS activities at Muara Berau Port Samarinda will be monopolized by PTB.

"APBI strongly objected to the monopoly in the process business where the current process would change so that the shipper could not directly appoint the owner of the FC or PBM, but had to go through PTB," he said.

The new tariff, according to the shipper (coal producer), will increase the cost burden of around US$0.82/Matrix Ton (MT) for the Gearless ship and around US$0.42/MT for the Geared and Grabbed ship, which the tariff will be received by PTB without performing service.

Pandu said the company objected to paying tariffs because it adhered to the general principle in the business world, namely 'no service no pay'.

In addition, the additional cost burden will have the potential to reduce state revenues either through taxes or non-tax state revenues (PNBP) from the energy sector and mineral resources.

Most FC owners have not yet registered to enter the ORBIT system applied by PTB which is a prerequisite for business processes.

"The Acting Head of KSOP Samarinda emphasized to FC owners that they will not provide services to FC owners if they do not register with PTB according to their letter as of September 26, 2023," said Pandu.

"If this condition continues until the tariff is enforced as of October 1, 2023, it is possible that the coal load transfer process will be hampered, so that exports and supplies to PLN from Muara Berau Port will be disrupted," he added.

The APBI also objected not to be accommodated as the party involved in the consulting process for the proposed port service rate as stated in the Regulation of the Minister of Transportation No. 121 of 2018.

The APBI, which consists of more than 90 coal mining companies as shippers, should be one of the parties who are very interested and will even be very disadvantaged if there is a proposal to determine tariffs without approval from the APBI.

Pandu Sjahrir called on the government to help find solutions for both the shipper, the company that owns the FC and also PTB so that the coal shipment process from Muara Berau can run smoothly and the state is not harmed.