Junior High School Students Perpetrators Of Bullying In Cilacap Turned Out To Be The Champion Of Tilawah And Pencak Silat
CILACAP - The perpetrator of bullying or bullying in Cilacap with the initials MKY, who is still 15 years old, is known to have a number of achievements in his school. Not only achievements in the field of sports, the perpetrator of bullying Cilacap, apparently also has achievements in the religious field. Principal of SMP 2 Cimanggu Wuri Handayani, said MKY, the perpetrator of bullying Cilacap is the champion of silacap. In the silat championship at the level of Cilacap Regency, MKY managed to win 2. Meanwhile, achievements in the religious field, the perpetrators once represented the school following the sub-district level tilawah competition. While at school, Wuri Handayani knew MKY as one of the students who was quite active. The MKY activity was seen both in class and outside class. The principal said, there were joint sports activities every Saturday. That's where the perpetrators made additional activities with interactive activities. Where He always raises various questions, related to lessons to students. MKY, said the Principal is the student who answers the most questions asked. And it turns out, the answer that MKY is the correct answer. Therefore, the school was very surprised when they found viral videos of junior high school students in Cimanggu, Cilacap. Moreover, those who were persecuted and beaten by MKY were their own class brothers.
Meanwhile, the Cilacap Police finally officially named the bully in Cimanggu, Cilacap, Central Java as a suspect. The determination was made after investigators conducted examinations and investigations. Until now, there are five bullying perpetrators who have been detained at the Cilacap Police Station to undergo further legal proceedings. In this case, the police have also made preemptive and preventive efforts.