Getting To Know The Rights And Obligations Of Internship Workers And Their Terms
YOGYAKARTA The existence of internship workers, both in companies and other profit institutions, has turned out to be regulated in the Law. The law even regulates the rights and obligations of internship workers.
In the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), internships are interpreted as prospective employees who have not had permanent status and have not received salaries or wages because they are still in the learning stage.
The definition of internships is also mentioned in Law Number 13 of 2003 concerning Manpower as amended by Law Number 11 of 2020 concerning Job Creation. Article 1 Number 11 explains that apprenticeship is part of the work training system. In full, the meaning of apprenticeship is as follows.
Handling is part of a work training system that is integratedally relaxed between training at training institutions by working directly under the guidance and supervision of instructors or workers/laborers who are more experienced, in the process of producing goods and/or services in companies, in order to master certain skills or skills.
Article 22 of the Manpower Law also explains that the apprenticeship is carried out on the basis of the Trade Agreement which contains provisions related to internship rights and obligations. The rights of the apprentices are as follows.
Meanwhile, the obligations that must be carried out by the interns are as follows.
Entrepreneurs also have the rights that must be given, namely as follows.
Meanwhile, the obligation to conduct business elections is as follows.
In addition to being regulated through the Law on Manpower, the rights and obligations of apprentices are also stated in the Regulation of the Minister of Manpower and Transmigration of the Republic of Indonesia Number PER.22/MEN/IX/2009 concerning the Implementation of Domestic Handling.
Chapter V also lists the rights and obligations of apprentices and entrepreneurs whose contents are approximately the same as those mentioned in the Manpower Law. However, there are additions that say that the apprentice is entitled to guarantee work and death accidents. Traders are also required to participate in the program until it is completed and are required to maintain the good name of the company. On the other hand, internship organizers must provide guidance and evaluate the final results of the apprentice work.
In addition to knowing the rights and obligations of intern workers, it must also be understood that the requirements for domestic internships listed in the Minister of Manpower Regulation Number 6 of 2020 concerning the Implementation of Domestic Handling are as follows.
That's information regarding the rights and obligations of intern workers. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.