Kaesang Chooses To Join PSI Despite Jokowi PDIP, Ganjar Pranowo: Right To Democracy

JAKARTA - The PDI-P (PDIP) presidential candidate Ganjar Pranowo commented on the youngest son of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi), Kaesang Pangarep, who decided to join the PSI cadre.
Ganjar views that Kaesang's decision is his right in democracy.
"In this politics, everyone has the right to democracy. So, please anyone," said Ganjar when met in the car free day Sudirman-Thamrin area, Central Jakarta, Sunday, September 24.
Kaesang's political choice is different from Jokowi and his eldest son and son-in-law, namely Gibran Rakabuming Raka and Bobby Nasution are PDIP cadres.
According to Ganjar, this can still happen. "Yes, that's their politics," he continued.
As previously reported, Kaesang officially joined PSI on Saturday, September 23. The membership card (KTA) was handed over by the party management bearing the rose symbol in Solo, Central Java.
After receiving the KTA, Kaesang admitted to joining PSI because he felt he had something in common to make young people more involved in politics.
In addition, Kaesang assessed that PSI is a good party and is filled with young people who are interrogant and competent. Then, his communication with high-ranking officials within the party is also fairly good.
"We have something in common, we want young people to be more involved in the public sector because in the election young people are usually used as passive objects. We want them to be active objects because after all, Indonesia's future for young Indonesians," Kaesang told reporters as quoted from the Surakarta News YouTube account.
Kaesang also revealed that he was still an ordinary cadre. He conveyed this when asked by reporters about his next steps after joining the party bearing the rose flower symbol.
"Yes, now I'm fighting as a member first," he said.
While it is possible that he will run as a candidate for mayor of Depok, Kaesang does not want to talk much. He left the decision entirely to the party board.
"We'll see, but no matter what, PSI, if possible, I (which is advanced, ed) will definitely advance national figures who deserve to be promoted," said Kaesang.