Pressing Gas Emissions, Ministry Of Industry Arranges Green Standard Rules For Rayon Industry

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin) continues to carry out inspections of dangerous gas emission control.

Most recently, the Ministry of Industry has conducted an inspection of exhaust emission control in the viscous rayon industry sector.

The viscous rayon is a semi-synthetic rayon made of wood pulp.

This industry needs to be monitored because in the manufacture of viscosa there is a dangerous gas emission, namely the content of SOx (sulfur).

"Companies in this sector are required to install Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems (CEMS) to monitor their exhaust emissions," said Director General of Resilience, Region, and International Industrial Access (KPAII) of the Ministry of Industry Eko S. A. Cahyanto in a written statement received by VOI, Wednesday, September 20.

During this inspection, the Ministry of Industry has played an active role by conducting field visits to PT Indo Bharat Rayon and PT South Pacific Viscose. The two companies have used the Continuous Emission Monitoring System (CEMS) and the use of defamation control tools such as the Electrostatic Precipitator (ESP) in their generators.

"The results of field inspections show that the two companies have succeeded in meeting environmental quality standards well. This is evidenced by the results of emission tests using the Adaptive Monitoring System (AiMS) installed at PT Indo Bharat Rayon," said Eko.

As a further step, the Ministry of Industry has designed a draft Regulation of the Minister of Industry on Green Industry Standards for the rayon industry.

This draft regulation will be applied to all rayon industries in Indonesia, aiming to ensure that these industries comply with applicable environmental standards.

Eko hopes that this step can help reduce the negative impact of the rayon industry on the environment while at the same time supporting efforts to preserve nature.

"The inspection of exhaust emission control in the viscosa rayon industry is one of the government's proactive steps in preserving the environment," he said.

The Ministry of Industry will continue to monitor and ensure that these industries continue to comply with applicable regulations, so as to maintain a good business climate and can increase the competitiveness of the manufacturing sector in Indonesia.