President Macron Is Reluctant To Give AstraZeneca Vaccine For Elderly Citizens Over Aged 65 Years

JAKARTA - President of French, Emmanuel Macron will not provide the AstraZeneca vaccine for the elderly. According to him, information regarding the efficacy of vaccines for citizens aged 65 years and over is still unclear.

"For the AstraZeneca vaccine, we will not give it to those over 65 years of age", said Macron as quoted by AP News, Friday, February 5.

It is planned that the AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine will be injected into its citizens who are under 65 years of age. Not only that, but he also said that the vaccine was intended for citizens who were at high risk of contracting the coronavirus.

The decision was by the instructions of the health institute in France. They recommend the AstraZeneca vaccine only for those under 65 years of age.

Macron's action is contrary to European Medicines Agency guidelines which allow the vaccine to be given to all people, both people aged 65 years and over, and those who are young.

In June, the French government will provide the AstraZeneca vaccine to its residents. Earlier, the French president said that the use of a vaccine made in China could pose a risk. Because the information about vaccines made in China is not yet detailed.

Macron warned the efficacy of vaccines such as Sinovac and Sinopharm still unclear. The reason is that there is no complete information regarding the trial use of the vaccine. This was expressed by Macron in his meeting with the Atlantic Council.