Central Jakarta Police Chief Will Take Strict Action If There Are Criminal Elements In Fire Incidents At The National Museum

JAKARTA - Central Jakarta Metro Police investigators are still conducting in-depth investigations regarding the fire case in six rooms of Building A, the Indonesian National Museum. If from the results of the investigation it is found that there is an element of negligence, the Central Jakarta Metro Police will take firm action against the perpetrators.

"We ensure that the legal process will be enforced if there is a potential criminal act. (now) the criminal element is still being investigated," said Central Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Komarudin, Monday, September 18.

Meanwhile, the police have not been able to determine the main cause of the fire. Police are still waiting for the results of the examination of witnesses and the forensic laboratory of the National Police.

"There were several CCTV points that were secured. As of yesterday, there were 14 witnesses," he said.

Meanwhile, regarding the alleged intentional incident, the police were reluctant to respond to this. The reason is, investigators are still waiting for the results of the crime scene from the Police laboratory.

"We haven't come to any suspicion. The team is still working to find out the alleged first point of whether the short circuit is still very biased, yes, very far away," he said.

The initial suspicion of the cause of the fire was due to indications of an electrical short circuit. However, the police have not yet concluded this cause. The reason is, the joint team from the Forensic Laboratory Center (Puslabfor) is still investigating the crime scene at the location of the fire. The results of the charcoal test from the fire have not yet come out.

Head of the Public Service Agency for Museums and Cultural Conservation (BLU MCB), Ahmad Mahendra, said that when the fire occurred, there was renovation work on one of the buildings at the National Museum of Indonesia.

"There is a renovation of building C," Mahendra told reporters at the National Museum of Indonesia, Central Jakarta, Sunday, September 17.

Meanwhile, the investigation into the cause of the fire of 6 rooms in Building A, the National Museum of Indonesia, Central Jakarta, is still being investigated by the Central Jakarta Metro Police. A total of 14 witnesses are still being questioned regarding the fire incident at the National Museum of Indonesia.