Sarwendah Almost Paralyzed Due To Scoliosis, Mandatory To Undergo Therapy
JAKARTA - Sarwendah recently told that she had a scoliotic bone disorder in the form of 'S'. This made Ruben Onsu's wife have to be examined by a bone doctor.
On one occasion, Sarwendah shared her condition which had gradually improved. Previously he explained that his condition had been gradually worrying.
"It's pretty getting used to it now. Yesterday when I checked with the doctor again, it was also X-rayed that it was quite good because there were 4 stages, for example, if it got to the fourth stage, it was tilted, it couldn't work like that, right," said Sarwendah at Mall of Indonesia, North Jakarta, Saturday, September 16.
"So I'm already in the second stage and want to be third, so I'm like 'Wow, I'm very concerned,' and I'm not aware that the mothers, especially when I'm carrying a child or when I'm pregnant, my posture doesn't change, so finally, I'm worried about going there," he continued.
Because Skoliosis is already in a worrying stage, finally this 34-year-old woman has to undergo therapy and use a corset. He explained that in one week he could do therapy twice.
"For example, for example, I definitely use a corset because it's a basic habit of sitting, how to stand is a basic habit that we have to change. The therapy I did go to the doctor for a week of therapy which is supportive once or twice, if I don't have it, the doctor will continue to therapy himself," he said.