Reportedly Close To Billy Syahputra, Pinkan Mambo Warns Michele Ashley About Choosing A Partner

JAKARTA - Pinkan Mambo's eldest daughter, Michele Ashley is reportedly close to Billy Syahputra. Where this first blew since Michele appeared on a podcast with Fuji An.

Seeing this, Pinkan Mambo as the mother tried to respond to the news of his daughter's relationship. Pinkan admitted that he did not know Billy Syahputra closely.

Pinkan also gave a warning to his daughter to be careful in choosing a partner. He does not want his son's love story to be the same as him who has experienced divorce several times.

"I don't really get along well. Just look at it on TV and we haven't been able to do it well, just to be further away, it's not easy for us to see, don't be like me, for example, choose the wrong husband, but we have to be smart, what I experienced, don't experience again," said Pinkan. Mambo in the Mampang Prapatan area, South Jakarta, Wednesday, September 13.

"So I'm not saying my husband is not good, just that every time I get married, don't get divorced anymore. And I've divorced back and forth," he continued.

In addition, the former Duo Maia personnel said that Michele was indeed close to a male figure. But according to Pinkan, this figure is not the younger brother of the late Olga Syahputra.

"Actually, I know what Michelle is going through, Michelle is close to whom I know, I think. It's just that not everything about my family can be published. So, I know what Michelle is close to, I know. I think. But I don't think it's Billy," said Pinkan.

"Even if Billy is up to you, it's up to you. That's Michelle's right. It's not the heart, Billy is good, just not just looking for a husband. Moreover, Michelle has to go to her father's house or go to her mother's house," he said.