Coates Said Tokyo Olympics 100 Percent Most Likely To Be Held

JAKARTA - Senior member of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) John Coates believes that "100 percent" Tokyo Olympics is likely to be held as scheduled in July.

In an interview with Nikkei Asia, Coates said the decision on whether spectators were allowed to attend the Olympics would be set as soon as March or April.

"It was a difficult decision, but the Olympics will be held," said Coates quoted by Reuters on Thursday.

"The IOC, the organizing committee, the Japanese government, and the Tokyo city government have been committed to organizing the Olympics since the COVID-19 pandemic emerged in February last year ... We don't see any obstacles to that," he added.

The Tokyo 2020 committee and the Japanese government are optimistic that they can hold the Olympics, which are scheduled to be held on July 23 - August 8 despite opposition from their citizens.

According to the latest polls, nearly 80 percent of the Japanese public is against holding the Olympics as scheduled.

The rejection grew even louder after the head of the Tokyo Olympics Organizing Committee and former Japanese Prime Minister Yoshiro Muto made sexist comments saying that the board meeting would last longer because female members talk too much.

But he admitted that he was sorry and had apologized for his comments. Even though has been widely criticized, he has no intention of resigning from office.