Peak Area Not Odd-even At The Weekend

CIBINONG - The Bogor Regency Government (Pemkab), West Java, does not implement an odd-even system for motorized vehicles on weekends in the region. The Puncak area, which is usually crowded with visitors on weekends, enters the Bogor Regency area.

"No (implementing odd-even), we prefer tightening (health protocols) at the micro level," said Bogor Regent Ade Yasin as quoted by Antara, Thursday, February 4.

The head of the Bogor Regency COVID-19 Handling Task Force chose a way to form a health protocol command post at the village level to reduce the number of COVID-19 spread in his area.

Ade Yasin admitted that he wanted to activate the Task Force for Handling COVID-19 at the sub-district to village level, which until now he considered his role was not optimal.

"Right now, the task force tends to be the task force in the regency, I want it to be maximized by the task force in the sub-district and village, as well as reactivate the RT and RW level task forces," said Ade Yasin.

He hopes that the public obeys in implementing 3M (washing hands, wearing masks, and maintaining a distance), so that the government does not have to implement a regional quarantine or "lockdown" to reduce the number of COVID-19 transmission.

Meanwhile, the Bogor City Government will immediately implement an odd-even system every weekend to break down the mobility of residents amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

"We Forkopimda agreed to implement an odd-even policy in Bogor City for Friday, Saturday and Sunday for the next 14 days," said Bogor Mayor Bima Arya in Bogor, Thursday, February 4.

Bima Arya said that the odd-even application would be adjusted to the date on that day which had to match the odd or even number of the license plate.

"For example, a vehicle with a license plate F 1234 A or B 5678 DKI. Well, if you look at the last numbers of the number plates, namely 4 and 8, then these vehicles can pass on even dates," he said.