Padang Is The Only Area Without Alfamart And Indomaret, Why?

JAKARTA - Indomaret and Alfamart minimarkets can be said to be very popular with people in Indonesia. In fact, these two minimarkets have mushroomed everywhere, in almost every province in Indonesia.

But you know, there is still one province in Indonesia where there is no Alfamart or Indomaret in that place. Do you know where it is?

West Sumatra Province is the only place where there is no Alfamart or Indomaret. In this province you will not find the two minimarkets. How come?

Based on VOI's investigation, West Sumatra did not have Alfamart and Indomaret because there were no operating permits. The reason is, if there are two minimarkets, it will kill traditional traders.

Reporting from various sources, this was done by the Municipal Government of Padang, West Sumatra to improve local micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs).

Well, this commitment made Padang refuse to open the license tap for the Indomaret and Alfamart franchises. Even though they have applied for a permit and were rejected.

This was conveyed by Mahyeldi Ansrullah when he was still the Mayor of Padang. Hence, we will not find Indomaret or Alfamart in Bukittinggi or Padang City.

Mahyeldi confirmed that he would not give an operating license to the Indomaret and Alfamart franchise networks to open outlets in Padang City. According to him, the presence of the two franchises could damage the regional economy in the future.

"Permits for Indomaret and Alfmart were not issued because they would damage the regional economy," he said, summarized by various sources, Thursday, February 4.

Jam Gadang (Photo: West Sumatra Provincial Government)

The shop's modern, bright, air-conditioned atmosphere, neatly arranged items, complete variety of items, and a selling price can definitely make people prefer shopping at the franchise minimarket. The two minimarkets are also often accused of causing stalls or grocery stores to be empty of buyers.

The laws of nature apply, that the strong will win. While the losers will be eliminated.

The Minang people have long been known for their trading spirit. Hence, the prohibition on opening franchise minimarket outlets is enforced to protect the existence of traditional traders in West Sumatra.

Even so, it does not mean that in West Sumatra there are no minimarkets at all. There are also several minimarkets standing. However, the minimarket is owned by individuals and is not a franchise.

Minimarkets in West Sumatra are generally called convenience stores or convenience stores.

In the future, Padang City will design a "Halal Mart". All items sold come from the city of Padang itself.