When Elected By President, Gerindra Affirms Prabowo's Leadership Does Not Threaten Any Political Power

JAKARTA - Secretary-General of the Gerindra Party Ahmad Muzani emphasized that if Prabowo Subianto was elected president in the 2024 presidential election, his power would not threaten any political force."When Mr. Prabowo becomes president, then that power will not threaten any power, it will not threaten anyone, any organization, even any political party," said Muzani in a statement received in Jakarta, Antara, Sunday, September 10.This was conveyed by Muzani while attending the consolidation of 1,700 legislative candidates (caleg) throughout West Java Province in Bandung. On that occasion, Muzani asked all legislative candidates to work hard to win Prabowo in the West Java region.“West Javanese people give confidence in Pak Prabowo as a symbol of strengthening national unity and integrity. Once again, there will be no political power that will be threatened or eliminated," he said.Muzani reminded Prabowo's message regarding the strength of the Indonesian nation to become a strong country is obtained from unity and integrity." “ Because Mr. Prabowo has repeatedly said that the Indonesian nation will be strong if the people unite, cooperate, and work together, no one needs to feel threatened," he added.The former member of the Indonesian House of Representatives hopes that West Java will still be the granary of votes for Prabowo Subianto's victory in the 2024 General Election. Considering that in the 2014 and 2019 elections, Prabowo won in West Java.Therefore, Muzani asked every cadre including Gerindra candidates at all levels to go directly to meet the people as an effective way to convince the people to choose Prabowo and Gerindra.He emphasized that Prabowo's victory in West Java must be maintained."In 2024, God willing, Pak Prabowo must excel in West Java. This province is the strongest cushion for Pak Prabowo. That 2019 Pak Prabowo lost right, has not been properly inaugurated, but Pak Prabowo's face was saved by the people of West Java," said Muzani.Muzani appreciated the great support and trust of the people of West Java to Prabowo Subianto. And if Prabowo wins in 2024, he promised Gerindra would pay for the victory in West Java." “ And because of that Pak Prabowo and Gerindra owe in West Java. Therefore, in 2024 Pak Prabowo became president, we will pay debts in West Java, we will pay debts to the people of West Java," he added.Muzani also mentioned Prabowo's promise, if elected, will provide free food to students throughout Indonesia. This is related to one of Prabowo's promises which will be completed regarding improving the quality of education.Data in West Java Province, the average level of public education is junior high school graduates. Whereas West Java is the province with the largest investment value, which is IDR 174 trillion.Therefore, he said, improving the quality of education is important, if you don't dream of realizing Indonesia Gold 2045, it will be hampered. For this reason, Indonesia must prepare human resources from now on." “ So we have to prepare our human resources from now on. Pak Prabowo said, one of them is by giving free food to students throughout Indonesia. This is a way to eliminate stunting," said the Deputy Chairperson of the MPR.He said, stunting is a nutritional malnutrition that causes low brain and intellectual growth of children, and their learning achievement is also low."Then Pak Prabowo wants to solve this HR problem from now on by drinking free milk, eating fish, chicken, and free eggs provided by the state," said Muzani.At the end of his directive, Muzani reminded that every Gerindra cadre was prohibited from taking actions that could make Prabowo's name ugly in the eyes of the public.
"You can't do things that are against you that can damage Pak Prabowo's name. You can't take action against something that can be negative against Pak Prabowo," he said."The “Tekad must be aimed into action. So that way we can make Mr. Prabowo president, Gerindra win," concluded Muzani.