Complete The Gumilang Panji Files, Bareskrim Will Check 5 More Witnesses

The Attorney General's Office (AGO) has stated the case file for the alleged blasphemy case with the suspect Panji Gumilang. Thus, Bareskrim Polri will examine five witnesses and one expert to complete formal and meteril materials.

"There are several material things that we immediately fulfill, namely there are an additional 5 witnesses or something for further investigation. Then there is an additional request for one expert," said the Director of General Crimes at Bareskrim Polri Brigadier General Djuhandhani Rahardjo Puro to reporters, Wednesday, September 6.

However, the identities of the five witnesses were not explained in detail. It was only conveyed that they came from the Al Zaytun Islamic Boarding School and representatives of the community.

In addition, investigators will also again examine Panji Gumilang. This is because from the research prosecutor's instructions, there are several statements from the head of the Al Zaytun Islamic Boarding School that must be contained in the case file.

"Then for our PG brothers, we just need additional questions. Maybe what the prosecutor asked for," he said.

When everything is finished, investigators will immediately re-transmit the case file. The plan is for the delegation to be carried out next week.

"If there are no obstacles, God willing, next week we will return the file to the prosecutor's office," said Djuhandhani.

The prosecutor returned the Panji Gumilang case file to the Criminal Investigation Police investigators on August 29. The reason is that there are formal and material requirements that are considered incomplete.

"The research prosecutor's team is of the opinion that the case file on behalf of the ARPG suspect is not formally and materially complete and therefore needs to be completed or fulfilled by the investigating team of the Directorate of General Crimes at Bareskrim Polri in accordance with the prosecutor's instructions," said the Head of the Attorney General's Office, Ketut Sumedana.

Not only returning, the research prosecutor will coordinate with the investigative team. That way, the process of completing the case file goes quickly.

"Furthermore, in order to make the time given by the Law effective, the research prosecutor will coordinate with investigators to accelerate the completion of the investigation process," said Ketut.