This Is The Latest Development Of The Merger Process Of Bank Nobu And MNC
JAKARTA - The Financial Services Authority (OJK) has provided the latest information regarding the merger of MNC Group's bank, namely MNC Bank and Lippo Group's bank, namely PT Bank Nationalnobu Tbk (NOBU).
OJK Banking Supervision Chief Executive Dian Ediana Rae said that currently the merger process of the two had entered the stage of discussing the share ownership of the merged bank.
"I heard that at this time it was quite a critical time because they had finished with the evacuation but were also talking about the share ownership or composition of their respective shares," said Dian at a press conference for the August 2023 RDK which was held virtually, Tuesday, September 5.
After entering this stage, Dian ensured that the two companies would not cancel the merger process.
Second, the company has also communicated regarding the technical merger of the banks owned by James Riady and Hary Tanoesoedibjo.
"There may be technical communication but there is no cancellation plan. But they are actually accelerating the technicalities faced in the field such as legal technicality and so on," concluded Dian.