Left By His Mother At The Malaysian Hospital, This Baby Was Handed Over By The Indonesian Consulate General In Kuching To The West Kalimantan Social Service

The Indonesian Consul General in Kuching, Raden Sigit Witjaksono accompanied by the Acting Consular Function-1 of the Indonesian Consulate General in Kuching and staff, took a baby boy with the initials FA aged one year and three months to Pontianak, West Kalimantan, to be handed over to the Ministry of Social Affairs through the West Kalimantan Social Service in Pontianak.

"The baby with the initials FA was born in Miri, Sarawak Malaysia on June 22, 2022. FA was born to a mother named Luluk Mukurahmah, from Surabaya, this was known based on Luluk Mukurohmah's statement when he took the baby to a hospital in Miri," said Sigit as quoted by ANTARA, Friday, September 1.

Sigit said this baby had been sick for about a week. However, because he did not recover, the baby was taken to the Miri hospital.

"However, after two weeks of being treated at Miri Hospital, the baby's mother never returned to visit this baby. Her whereabouts could not be found, and when she checked her identity on her passport, it turned out that the person concerned used fake identity data," said Sigit.

While in Miri hospital, several parties in Sarawak wanted to adopt the FA baby, but according to the procedure for adopting children from foreigners had to refer to court decisions.

Therefore, the FA baby was then handed over to the Service Office at Miri (Miri Social Service) for further submission to the court in Miri.

For the next process, on August 16, 2023, the Court in Miri decided that the FA baby was handed over to the Indonesian Consulate General in Kuching to be returned to Indonesia.

"And, today, September 1, 2023, we from the Indonesian Consulate General in Kuching brought a healthy baby FA to Pontianak via the Entikong border to be handed over to the West Kalimantan Social Service Office for further submission to the Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs," said Sigit.