Getting To Know Diabetes Remissions, Low Blood Sugar Experienced For More Than 3 Months

YOGYAKARTA diabetes remission is blood sugar levels below the diabetes range. Usually, this diabetes remission condition is achieved without taking any diabetes medication. So, is this a sign of recovery from type 2 diabetes?
The definition of diabetes remission has been approved by a team of international experts from UK Diabetes, the American Diabetes Association, and the European Association for the Study of Diabetes, that remission occurs when your HbA1c is less than 48 mmol/mol or 6.5 percent for at least three months without diabetes. Some people call it reversing type 2 diabetes, or called remission because blood sugar levels may rise again.
Launching the UK Diabetes page, if routine blood tests show HbA1c below 48 mmol/mol, it is important to understand the meaning. Although it requires further research, blood sugar levels below diabetes must be maintained.
Signs of a diabetic with diabetes remission, one of which has lost weight. If you are obese or overweight and experience remission, you will lose a large amount of about 15 kilograms of weight safely and as quickly as possible after the diagnosis.
If you want to start losing weight quickly to achieve remission, it's important to consult a health expert before getting started. This is to make sure it's right for you. In addition, you may need to reduce or stop any treatment, such as insulin or sulfonilurea, before you start losing weight.
Rapid weight loss is not recommended if you have a healthy weight, are under 18 years of age, are pregnant, breastfeeding, or have been diagnosed with eating disorders. To understand how to lose weight to achieve remission, you need to understand why being overweight can cause type 2 diabetes.
Extra weight in the middle of the body, fat accumulates around important organs, such as the pancreas and the liver. This makes it difficult for the organ to work properly so that it causes type 2 diabetes. However, it is important to understand and check medically, not everyone who is obese or overweight has type 2 diabetes. Other factors, such as age, ethnicity, and family history also play a role in the risk of type 2 diabetes. These factors affect how well the liver and pancreas work.
Besides affecting blood sugar levels, other weight loss is also useful. Such as reducing the risk factors of heart, stroke, and certain cancers. More than that, losing weight by only 5 percent, helping to improve HbA1c, lowering blood pressure, and cholesterol.
Remissions are also associated with a low risk of complications. Because it is related to lower blood sugar, blood pressure, and cholesterol in healthy levels. However, you need regular health checks to ensure that your condition remains monitored and treated properly.
Based on reports from people who have experienced remission for up to 15 years, there is always the possibility that blood sugar levels can return in the diabetes range. This means that remission is not an event that occurs just once. But diabetes remission is a continuous process that needs to be maintained and does the best way to maintain a healthy badah weight and stay active.
So far, research has proven two ways that can be done to achieve remission for people with type 2 diabetes. First, by participating in an intensive low-calorie weight loss program of around 850 calories a day. Second, with an arbitrary operation, but this requires monitoring and medical procedures.
In addition to the two methods above, you can run a diet for media or a low-carb diet. Although the results on each person will be different, diet is a healthy way of controlling blood sugar and managing a healthy diet so that it gets overall health.