Based On Research, Meditation Can Make A Person More Human

JAKARTA - Various suggestions for meditation as a way of dealing with anxiety, anxiety, and stress have received scientific answers. A yoga teacher, Elaine Clara Mah, explained that meditation is scientifically beneficial for health.

Meanwhile, the Vedic Meditation teacher from Sydney concluded that by meditating regularly, a person is more human. How can this calming activity be effective in making you physically, mentally and mentally healthy?

Reported by Book Meditation Retreats, Wednesday, February 3, research conducted at the University of California, Los Angeles shows that meditation can increase cortex folds in the brain. The more folds, the wider the area for storing information.

In addition, research from the Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging found that meditation can better regulate brain waves. Both studies prove that meditation can improve a person's memory.

The brain nerve deficiency syndrome that causes Alzheimer's disease and dementia can also be minimized by meditation. This is evidenced in research conducted at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center.

For those who work multitasking, it requires focus and excessive brain work. It also takes a lot of positive energy and physical energy. Meditation can be useful for this, namely increasing a person's ability to multitask simultaneously.

The benefits of meditation were found in a study conducted at the University of Washington. The research team found that someone who meditated two hours a week, then after a routine for eight weeks will show surprising changes. The level of focus is higher and the possibility of completing several tasks at the same time.

Meditation is also beneficial for someone who is afflicted with a bad past. Participants in this study underwent three twenty-minute meditation sessions. They have different perceptions about feeling sick.

The activity of letting go of the past and living fully the 'present' can be done through meditation. This makes a person feel better mentally. Because depression and feeling guilty are often present that shake one's mental stability.

In exploring the benefits of calming activities, meditation can effectively synchronize past events, one's self, present and future.

Harmony, peace and love are three things that make a person more human. And these benefits are obtained by meditation. Instead of spending a lot of money on vacation tickets, rent hotels on vacation, and enjoy the scenery.

One needs to sit down, be still and live each breath or with meditation.