Case Of Beating Of Prison Officers, Former MA Secretary Nurhadi Confesses To Be Provoked

JAKARTA - Former Secretary of the Supreme Court (MA) Nurhadi opened his voice about the case of beating KPK detention officers. He said the news of the beating because of the bathroom renovation issue was hoax. Nurhadi was ready to report back to the officer and the two witnesses who saw this incident.

Through his written statement, Nurhadi said that so far there had been no socialization on bathroom renovations at the C-1 KPK Detention Center for the detainees. According to him, it is not the renovation that will be carried out but the permanent closure and sealing of the bathroom due to the discovery of a power bank.

"There has never been any dissemination of bathroom renovations to prisoners at the C-1 Detention Center. So, the news about the socialization of bathroom renovations so far is a hoax," said Nurhadi in a written statement delivered by the attorney, Wednesday, 3 February.

He and the detainees at the C-1 KPK Detention Center never complained or asked to renovate the bathroom in the detention center. Because, the condition of the bathroom there has never been a problem.

Furthermore, the suspect in the bribery and gratuity case admitted that until now, he had never been asked for any information by the KPK through the Head of the Salemba Detention Center, KPK Branch or the police. "However, there has been massive coverage in the media stating that I mistreated or beat KPK detention officers," he said.

In addition, Nurhadi also stated that he was actually provoked by the officer.

"I was provoked by Muniri (the reporter) by saying, 'hit me, beat me.' As for the swing of my left hand, it didn't hit my face, let alone my lips," he said.

He felt that his testimony was strong because, at the same time there were eight witnesses who saw, heard and knew about the incident. Six people were prisoners, namely Sukiman, Emirsyah Satar, Ismunandar, Aswandini Eka Tirta, Syahroni, and Amiril Mukminin. While the other three are prison officials, namely Turitno and Nasir.

As a result of this incident, Nurhadi will then take legal steps, namely by reporting the three prison officers to the police. This is because their statements do not match the facts.

Not only that, Nurhadi's team of attorneys also assessed that the three KPK detention officers involved in the beating case were briefed by the KPK Legal Bureau when reporting to the Setiabudi Police. Because, when asked for information, the three of them received assistance from the legal bureau.

As previously reported, the Acting Spokesperson for the Corruption Eradication Committee of the Corruption Eradication Commission Ali Fikri said that the beating took place on Thursday, January 28 at around 16.30 WIB at the Ground A detention center, which is in the KPK building Kavling C1.

He explained that the beating incident was preceded by a misunderstanding related to the delivery of an explanation of the socialization by the KPK officials regarding the plan to renovate one of the bathrooms for detainees.

"The acts of physical violence committed by NHD were also witnessed by other KPK detention officers," he said.

After the beating took place, the KPK detention center conducted an examination of Nurhadi according to the applicable mechanism. "We will submit further developments in this matter," said Ali.