Contributing To Air Pollution in Jakarta, DKI Provincial Government Stops the Operations of Two Factories in North Jakarta

JAKARTA - The DKI Jakarta Provincial Government has imposed government coercive sanctions to improve environmental management which has the potential to pollute the environment to two coal warehousing and storage (stockpile) companies, namely PT Trada Trans Indonesia and PT Trans Bara Energy.

When this administrative sanction was imposed, the DKI Jakarta Environmental Service (LH) temporarily stopped operations at the two factories located in North Jakarta.

Head of the DKI Jakarta Environmental Service, Asep Kuswanto, said that the sanctions were given based on orders/obligations stated in the Decree of the Head of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Environmental Service Number e-0054 of 2023 and Number e-0073 of 2023.

"As a result of findings in the field, the DLH team consisting of the Law Compliance and Enforcement Division (PPH), Environmental Monitoring Officers (PPLH), Korwas Civil Servant Investigators (PPNS) Polda Metro Jaya, found that the two companies had not complied with environmental management regulations. " said Asep in his statement, Thursday, August 31.

During an inspection in the field, the DKI Provincial Government found that the two companies had not complied with a number of regulations, namely that nets had not been installed thoroughly at the activity location, had not managed runoff water from the coal stockpile, and had not had a temporary storage place for hazardous and toxic waste (B3 TPS Waste).

Apart from that, coal deposits and oil spills were also found in the drainage channel leading to the city channel and there was no domestic waste landfill, and traces of burning rubbish and even cigarette butts were found at the coal stockpile location.

Asep emphasized that the administrative sanctions given were in line with central government regulations.

"Article 495 of the Republic of Indonesia Government Regulation Number 22 of 2021 states that we have the right to temporarily suspend part or all of our business and/or activities if we find violations of environmental management," said Asep.

Asep emphasized that the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government will not mess around with companies and/or industries that contribute to air pollution in Jakarta.

“We will take action against all companies that do not want to improve their environmental management. "DLH will not hesitate to revoke the company's permit," said Asep.

Asep added that currently his party is intensively monitoring all companies that have the potential to violate and cause environmental pollution, especially air pollution in Jakarta.

"We are deploying all DLH law enforcement teams to monitor the industry," he added.