Why After Eating Durian Dizziness? This Causes And How To Overcome It

JAKARTA - For durian lovers, you may already know the character of this tropical fruit with thick and spiny skin. That the older, the taste will be sweeter and have a sharp aroma. Durian fruit that is overripe also releases natural fermented compounds, so it's no wonder that it causes dizziness after consuming it.

In addition to fermented sugar compounds, volatile substances and the gas content in them make pains. That is, 'drunk' may not be appropriate to describe the condition of the body after consuming durian.

What are the other effects that occur on the body after eating durian?

The assumption about high cholesterol levels in durian has been proven in research conducted by Dr. Abel Soh, an endocrinologist at Rafles Diabetes and Endocrine Center. That durian contains monounsaturated fat which is associated with lowering the level of triglycerides in the body.

Indirectly, this research proves that after eating durian cholesterol levels will not rise. But it is necessary to measure the safe portion for consumption. Based on expert recommendations reported on the Kompas page, ideally 100 grams or two small spheres in consuming durian.

For those who have a tendency to high blood sugar levels, they must limit by consuming half the ideal size in a day.

In 100 grams of durian contains 147 calories, 5.33 grams of fat, 1.47 grams of protein, 27 grams of carbohydrates, and vitamins that are good for the body. Even though it has a good content, ulcer sufferers should not consume durian because it can trigger stomach problems.

How to deal with nausea, dizziness, and feeling sick after eating durian?

Because of several things as mentioned above, as long as the body is healthy it is okay to eat durian. However, if you eat too much of this prickly tropical fruit, there are three ways to deal with it.

Eat mangosteen

The mangosteen fruit is believed to relieve nausea due to the sharp aroma of durian.

Drink skin soak water

After eating durian, don't throw away the skin directly. Pour ready-to-drink mineral water on the inside of the skin to drink when you feel 'drunk' durian.

Drink salt water

Salt water functions the same as durian skin water. The mixture of water and salt can neutralize the condition of the body being floating, dizzy, and a little tense after eating durian fruit.

So, so you don't choose the wrong choice because too ripe will cause 'drunkenness' or the durian fruit is too raw to taste less delicious, you need to choose the right one. The tips, try to hit the durian fruit. If the sound is not loud or 'smack' it means that the ripeness is just right.