Jabodebek LRT Far Tariff Near IDR 5,000 Only Valid Until The End Of September 2023

JAKARTA - The Jabodebek LRT has been able to be used by the public since it was inaugurated by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) yesterday.

The public can also enjoy promo rates of IDR 5,000 for one trip.

The promo rate of IDR 5,000 is an unchanged flat fee for each passenger's travel relationship.

This tariff is only valid until the end of September 2023.

The Manager of Public Relations of the Jabodebek LRT, Kuswardoyo, explained that this promo rate was given to attract people's interest in using public transportation. Once again, to introduce the Jabodebek LRT transportation mode.

"Currently, the Ministry of Transportation through DJKA has issued promo rates, the promo rate is IDR 5,000 flat. That tariff is valid until the end of September (2023)," he said at Dukuh Atas Station, Jabodebek LRT, Tuesday, August 29.

After that, said Kuswardoyo, starting October 1, 2023, the tariff will apply at a calculation of Rp. 3,000 for the first 1 kilometer (km). Meanwhile, it is set at Rp. 20,000 for the farthest travel relationship.

"From October 1, the government will also issue another promo rate. Later the tariff will change to the first Rp3,000 km, and the next Rp850 km. However, the furthest tariff is only Rp20,000," he explained.

"So if, for example, the tariff trip is Rp. 23,000 or Rp. 24,000, it will be withdrawn to the furthest Rp. 20,000, from October to the end of February 2024," he continued.

Jabodebek LRT Normal Tariff

Kuswardoyo explained, for normal rates for the Jabodebek LRT travel relationship, the farthest could reach Rp. 27,000.

He said, the amount of this tariff refers to the Decree of the Minister of Transportation Number 67 of 2023.

"It's already out of Kepmen number 67 of 2023 which states that the tariff is IDR 5,000 for the first 1 km, then IDR 700 for the next km," he explained.

"So if we look at the tariff, the tariff that will be charged the furthest is Rp27 thousand, that's from Harjamukti to Jati Mulya," he continued.

But unfortunately, Kuswardoyo did not elaborate further on whether the Jabodebek LRT normal tariff would take effect from February 2024.

Even so, Kuswardoyo explained, the proposed ideal tariff for the farthest distance is IDR 25,000.

However, it turned out that there was another scheme approved by the Ministry of Transportation and the figure came out at Rp. 27,000 for the furthest tariff.

"Well, one of the ideal rates we asked for was Rp. 25,000. But then the government agreed that the tariff was Rp. 5,000 plus Rp. 700. So the fall is indeed the farthest the Rp. 27,000," he said.

"That's why the government then issued a promo tariff which finally came out at Rp. 5,000, later October to February (2024) a maximum of Rp. 20,000," he said.