New Round Of Exchanged Babies In Bogor, Families Make Legal Efforts For Hospital Negligence

BOGOR - The case of a baby being swapped in Bogor has indeed ended with quite a relief or a happy ending. However, the polemic will continue until the legal process.

Sentosa Hospital seems to have to be ready to deal with the law. The reason is, the team of attorneys from the parents of the accused baby will continue the case to the realm of criminal law.

"We will definitely take legal steps in the future and take legal action against Sentosa Hospital," said Siti Mauliah's attorney, M Rusydiyana Nur Ridho, Sunday, August 28.

He emphasized that the case of the exchange of babies has a criminal element. Due to hospital negligence, parents lose their children for a year.

Rusdy also emphasized that the agreement discussed at the Bogor Police was between the victims Siti Mauliah and D, as victims because the baby was swapped. He considered that there was no agreement between Sentosa Hospital even though representatives had apologized.

"This is a legal process that is running, so we will make a report regarding our client's case," he said.

Meanwhile, the Bogor Police continue to investigate the polemic of the exchanged baby. The reason is that there is a criminal element and negligence in the incident that happened to his son.

"We are still investigating it. Maybe in the near future we will convey it," explained Bogor Police Chief AKBP Rio Wahyu Anggoro.

The responsibility of Sentosa Hospital will still be highlighted by the police. Rio hopes that his team will get results in the next week.