3 Days Of Hard Work, Fire That Scorched Land Around 100 Hectares On Mount Ciremai Successfully Extinguished

The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Kuningan Regency, West Java said that the fire that hit the forest area on Mount Ciremai had been extinguished after three days of joint extinguishing efforts."The fire has been successfully resolved," said Head of BPBD Kuningan Regency Indra Bayu to reporters in Kuningan, Antara, Sunday, August 27.A forest fire broke out since Friday, August 25 at noon, then officers from Gunung Ciremai National Park (TNGC) and other joint officers made efforts to extinguish the fire.There are five hotspots that burn the forest. Three points are still being monitored and it is certain that there will not be another fire that spreads to other forest areas."Until today, our concerns are the Karang Wall, Cileutik, and Panja Koma. From five points, we have narrowed the three areas," said Indra.He said that the forest fires were reported to have scorched the land by about 100 hectares, but are currently still being checked in the field so that the results are accurate for the basis for rehabilitation.Regarding the puffs of smoke that are still visible at several points, said Indra, this is the impact of the blackout that has been carried out by the officers."For the time being there are no hotspots, if there is a puff of smoke, it will indeed appear after the blackout," he said.Even though the forest fires have been extinguished, he said, his staff and all joint officers are still ready to anticipate and make efforts if there is another fire in the area.The Kuningan Regency Government, he continued, has set the Emergency Alert Status for drought and land as a strategic step to respond quickly and accurately."At this time in Kuningan Regency, we have determined the Emergency Alert Status for drought and land, so strategic steps can be taken," he said.
The forest fire damaged the alang-alang, Kasudra, and bush that was flammable.