BNPB Modifies The Alert Weather For Potential Forest And Land Fires In West Kalimantan

JAKARTA - The National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) through the Air Task Force carried out weather modification technology or TMC by distributing 800 kilograms of local materials (NaCl) in West Kalimantan.

Head of the BNPB Disaster Data, Information and Communication Center Abdul Muhari said the TMC operation was carried out using the Casa 212 type aircraft as an alertness for potential forest and land fires (karhutla) in the area.

"Based on the analysis of the potential ease of forest and land fires in West Kalimantan in the past two days (26-27/8), a small number of identified areas with very flammable levels, such as the Kayong Utara and Ketapang areas. Meanwhile, at the end of August to September 1, 2023, almost all areas of West Kalimantan were identified as showing very flammable potential," Abdul said as quoted by ANTARA, Saturday, August 26.

Facing the dangers of forest and land fires, BNPB urges local governments and all resources from related agencies, the community and the business world to optimize early prevention efforts.

BNPB has alerted a number of helicopters to support local governments in handling forest and land fires.

Two helicopters were recorded for patrols and 3 for water-bombing operated from Pontianak. Meanwhile, 2 helicopters, each for patrols and water-bombing, were moved from the Ketapang area.

Each of the water-bombing helicopters has a capacity of 4,000 liters of water that can be transported in a mechanical bucket.

Of the number of water bombing helicopters, the total air operations that had been running until last Friday (25/8) were 74 sorties. The number of water bombs dropped reached 5.8 million liters.

"The weather monitoring in most areas of West Kalimantan (West Kalimantan) for the next two days still has the potential for moderate to heavy rain. However, local government preparedness is maintained in anticipation of forest and land fires (karhutla) in their area," said Abdul.

Meanwhile, a report from the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of West Kalimantan Province stated that the area of land affected by forest and land fires as of Friday (25/8) reached 5,768.73 hectares.

The West Kalimantan Provincial Government itself has issued an Emergency Response Decree for Handling the Smoked Disaster Due to Forestry with number 1035/BPBD/2023. This status is valid from 1 to 31 August 2023, and can be extended according to the situation and conditions in the field.

Responding to the smoke disaster in the area, BNPB reiterated the President's instruction Number 3 of 2020 concerning Forestry Management. BNPB appealed that local governments together with communities and forestry and agriculture business actors could cooperate in early prevention. In addition, local governments impose strict sanctions on forestry and agriculture business actors who do not carry out forestry and land fires prevention.